Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mornings: Emma's Breakfast


  1. I like the minimalist approach to this shot. With the shadowing it is a really intriguing photo.

  2. Thanks! You would never think to expect that much from a bowl of Fruit Loops, would you? ;)

  3. This photo haunts me! Where did Emma go? Why did she leave the rest of her Fruit Loops in such a hurry? Will she come back and finish them? Did she purposely arrange them into triangular form before she left?! So many questions! LOL. It's a very nice shot - makes me wonder!

  4. ROFL! Such deep ruminations over an artificially-colored breakfast food! In reality, Emma was still eating her breakfast when I asked, "Can I see that bowl for a minute?", pulled it away from her, took the picture and then gave it back so she could indeed finish it, which elicited a sarcastic, "Are ya sure you're DONE?" from her. The triangular arrangment was entirely serendipitous. :}


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