Sunday, September 20, 2009

Old: Great-Grandma's Evening Purse circa 1920


  1. Cool! Is this a meshy bag? I can't really tell...

  2. Yes it is meshy/see-through. I think my mom said it had a silver or gold coating on it? It's not in the nicest of shape now, but I imagine back in the day it was a pretty cool thing to carry around. If you click the photos it will enlarge them, FYI!(not sure that would help with this particular photo though)

  3. Silver, not sure how good. It is engraved with her initials.

  4. BTW, I see I have to subscribe to a thread to get follow up comments via email.

  5. Where is it engraved at? I completely missed that!

  6. On the middle of one if the cross bars that all the chain hangs from.


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